ADMS streamlines flow measurements
April 29, 2019
New non-contact radar serves as an “all in one” autonomous discharge radar system
Integrated with a datalogger and 4G cellular telemetry, the fully-loaded non-contact discharge measurement radar sensor RQ-30 ADMS collects precise data in rivers, streams, open channels and canals — where continuous monitoring is desired.
The ADMS features everything to begin receiving high precision water level, velocity and discharge measurements:
- The RQ-30 ADMS radar sensor
which measures both velocity and level and then, simultaneously computes discharge - MRL-8 datalogger pre-wired to the sensor and ready to telemeter
- SIM card
- Robust equipment cabinet
- Low visibility 4G antenna
- All wiring and cables*
* Add a solar panel to sustain power & reduce site visits.
Commander software is used to program both the sensor and datalogger, aftereasy installation. In addition, the sensor and software are programmed to self-diagnose and fix technical issues remotely. Also download parameters, even check the spectrum from afar.
“The RQ-30 has the ability to transform much of the way we collect & manage streamflow data. Real-time measurement is the most valuable measurement of all,” — Peter Ward, Sales Manager, KISTERS Instrumentation