Our products & services
Energy & Renewables
Browse our solutions
Forecasting & Optimization
Hydropower generation data management
Renewable Energy
Support decisions that efficiently generate & sustain energy in dynamic & deregulated markets.
Learn moreWater, Weather & Environment
Increase your resilience to challenges in water, weather & the environment with tools specific to your needs
Learn more Browse the Sensor Product CatalogCAD Visualization
Maximize value from CAD data when accessed, analyzed & approved quickly & safely by the right people
Learn moreEnvironmental sensors
Sensors and accessories to monitor water, weather, and the environment
Field data collection app | FieldVisits
Configurable app enables field staff to improve data quality starting at the monitoring site
Data acquisition & Telemetry
Efficient data transfer from any sensor or remote data sources to your data management system
Data management & Reporting
Store, manage and process environmental data for reporting & informed decisions
Forecasting & Optimization
Gain intelligent guidance by harnessing valuable & timely insights from your data
Hydropower software
Optimize power generation, water & revenue as you measure dam safety & meet regulatory constraints
Real-time operational technology
Actionable data & alerts for real-time situational awareness, operations & maintenance
Forecasting & Optimization
Identify the most efficient and flexible use of generation and storage plants
Raster data as a service
Satellite data & ensemble forecasts for immediate use & integration with your monitoring data
3DViewStation Desktop
Enterprise Solution for the Manufacturing Sector
3DViewStation WebViewer
Fast, multi-CAD viewing for mobile devices with HTML 5 browsers
Hydropower generation data management
Optimize power generation, water & revenue as you measure dam safety & meet regulatory constraints
3DViewStation VisShare
Fast, safe CAD data sharing for internal & external project members
3DViewStation VR
Fast, affordable virtual reality inspection & analysis of large CAD models
KISTERS Automation Server
Batch tool automatically translates files & performs repetitive processes
Renewable Energy
Optimize generation & storage as you monitor severe weather & mitigate risks
Paper chart digitization
Entrust your historical record digitization & data validation to us