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Fire Weather

Environmental data management system supports monitoring & reporting of fire weather danger

photo take during a wildfire, from left to right, unburnt sentinel trees, an emergency vehicle on a road along a river, and burning forest | source:

Get an edge on severe weather

At a time when public agencies have tighter budgets and face increased wildfire risk due to changing weather patterns, our partners have asked us to help them do more with their data & our technologies.

Federal, provincial / state, and local authorities that streamline water and environmental data collection, management and analysis with WISKI asked us to assist forestry colleagues.

They’re finding it cost-effective to increase access to complementary or same datasets and high-efficiency tools for automation, analysis and reporting with approved users in adjacent weather monitoring groups like fire weather.

Sensors & forecasts are making data more abundant, but data quality and integration for meaningful data visualization are more critical than ever to protect people and the environment.

Your benefits


Increased value from data & IT tools shared across an enterprise

More departments & working groups within your organization can access the same best-in-class environmental data management system & its time-saving functions.


Marginal effort & time needed to onboard collaborators

Though one group is familiar with the software, similar subject matter expertise & minimal consultation with KISTERS are key to extending use of the system. The existing system administrator(s) or our staff can make necessary adjustments to algorithms & automation protocols.


Integrate multidisciplinary data and diverse file formats

We’re dedicated to making data interoperable. Our IT eases the acquisition of data on burn intensity & harmonizes the spatial layers, so you can calculate impacts & model long-term statistics.


Share sensitive data with appropriate audiences

The system administrator(s) controls data sharing with authorized users, including researchers, consultants and regional partners who assess environmental quality before and after fires in addition to runoff from major rain events.  


Publish open data to engage the public

APIs enable you to populate existing websites with approved data from WISKI. Alternatively, we can stand up a website designed for public visitors to view water level, rainfall, and burn data on a map or via graphs.

How it works

Meet with us to scope a project
Further configure the existing system
Train algorithms
Get reports & act

Product highlights

  • Robust, secure, and high-performance storage & analytics

    Robust, secure, and high-performance storage & analytics

    With more than 60 years in environmental data management, we have developed comprehensive and, above all, reliable and efficient databases with powerful calculation engines.

    Well-designed solution architecture provides unlimited storage capacity for an unlimited number of parameters, so your system scales as you collect more data over space & time. Furthermore, all original / raw data are stored separately from edited data to maintain data integrity.

    We can import, store, and process your data fast and properly.

  • Customized to your forest fire needs

    Customized to your forest fire needs

    Within WISKI, we work with your forestry & forest fire management staff to identify your specific zones of interest, hotspots and environmental data inputs to localize the fire weather index.

    Also identify data gaps in your monitoring network, and install sensors or subscribe to high-resolution data services.

  • Tailored warnings and alerts

    Tailored warnings and alerts

    There’s nothing arbitrary about these forecasts.

    Combine past & present data with forecasts to generate automated warnings when your criteria are met.

    With a few clicks, identify hotspots or zones of interest. Conveniently upload polygons from your GIS platform.

    For timely and effective dissemination of warnings you decide who, how and when messages will be issued. 

    Once WISKI knows your interests, it automatically calculates the fire weather index — and you simply access your results as maps, charts and tables.


  • Esri arcGIS integration

    Esri arcGIS integration

    Integrate geo-referenced data with time series information to better visualize trends. Explore problems and/or progress occurring within a particular station, user-define group of stations, state or region. The combination of market-leading GIS tools and data management technologies empowers users to simultaneously view, query, and perform complex operations on data from multiple stations. Create static or animated maps for reports, websites and presentations.

    WISKI Extensions / Plugins for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Pro

    WISKI Arc extensions and plugins easily provide access to information secured in KISTERS data management systems. Esri GIS users can readily discover, analyze, report and share insights. KISTERS plugins show WISKI navigation tree views within the Esri desktop application. Directly access WISKI data – station basic data, time series, and quality samples – for analysis and viewing with extensive GIS functionality.

    The barrier-free integration with GIS enables geospatial analysts to load current data values as symbols for a specified time series group within the ArcGIS session. Also digitize and adapt station coordinates on the basis of available background maps if no measured coordinate information is available.

    This option is highly recommended for agencies with users highly skilled in GIS. It saves considerable time as these professionals extend the value of ArcView, ArcGIS or ArcGIS Pro interfaces, and won’t need to learn to navigate the WISKI user interface.

    WISKI Web Mapping

    Using the ArcGIS Javascript API, WISKI Web products provide high-quality mapping tools within an online interface. The API allows KISTERS to embed maps in the WISKI Web solution, so users can visualize time-aware data using the TimeSlider widget.

  • Informed by remote sensing

    Informed by remote sensing

    Earth-observing satellites can capture real-world phenomena as raster data. Think of the data format as digital aerial photos. Information from these images adds to the ground-based monitoring data collected by many organizations.

    When imagery is available only as a raster, comprehensive analysis with other data formats is hindered. The high-throughput computing to extract detailed information from satellite images is often cost-prohibitive. The KISTERS IT stack now enables fire weather analysts and fire behavior analysts to align points, lines, polygons and surface measurements with time series data.

    Unlock insights from past, present and forecast datasets from NASA or other raster data sources.

    • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) observations
      Active Fire Data for North America (DS-NA)

      • 10 km / daily resolution
      • from MODIS and NOAA-20
    • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) forecasts
      Fire Weather Index (global)

      • 25 km / daily resolution
      • new forecast every day for 7 days ahead

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