Water, Weather & Environment
KISTERS User Group Meeting (KUG)
23 - September 24, 2024
San Diego, California, USA
The $450 USD per person registration fee covers most meals and the popular hosted dinner. Kindly refer to the event page for details regarding the discounted room rate before fees & taxes.
We’ll see you September 23 & 24 for the annual KISTERS User Group Meeting.
A number of technical demonstrations and presentations are curated to apply to your water, weather & environmental data management.
Hear directly from KISTERS staff members who will field questions and show new or lesser known features within our software.
Peers from the WISKI and Hydstra community of users will discuss approaches you & your agency may consider to address similar challenges. Networking often leads to co-development opportunities.
Here are a few topics already slated:
- Hydstra V14
- WISKI agents re: validation, correction and origin
- KiWQM water quality module enhancements
- raster / satellite remote sensing data
The hotel room block reservation deadline is Aug. 15. Meeting registration now extended to Sept. 6.
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