an alternative to CAD licenses
3DViewStation Desktop is our most popular edition. Install on your local workstation to very quickly visualize files from over 60 formats ranging from 3D CAD, 2D CAD, and images to MS Office applications.
Readily available functions include navigation, selection, search & filter, measuring, dimensioning, cutting, and comparison. Additional features include advanced Digital Mockup (DMU), redline / markup, exploding, volume calculation, preparation for meetings, intellectual property (IP) protection, and content generation for technical documentation.
3DViewStation Desktop enables you to add CAD data from various CAD systems into a single model — simply drag & drop without file preparation. Now, that’s real multi-CAD DMU.
Use as stand-alone software, or integrate it into any leading system using APIs.
Your benefits
Loads CAD data seriously fast
Loads CAD data seriously fast
Better than fast, our CAD viewing software loads data seriously fast.
The following are a few but consistent examples of average loading times:
- 200 MB native Catia: 1 second
- Car body as JT: 1 second
- 50,000-part turbine as JT: 13 seconds
vs. the same turbine as our 3DVS format: 1 second - Complete truck engine as 3DVS: 1 second
- 20,000-part machine as native SolidEdge: 35 seconds
vs. the same machine as our 3DVS format: 1 second - 125,000-part aircraft assembly line as our 3DVS format: 1 second
- Section of an aircraft as Catia CGR: 1.5 minutes
vs. the same section as our 3DVS format: 5 seconds - Aircraft with 700,000 parts as our 3DVS format: 4 seconds
- 400,000-part plant as our 3DVS format: 7 sec
- Passenger ship with 10 million parts as our 3DVS format: 15 seconds
Reads over 60 data formats
Reads over 60 data formats
- 3D import – native & neutral CAD:
Catia, NX, Creo, Solidworks, SolidEdge, Inventor, SAT, Parasolid, JT, STEP, 3D PDF, Revit, GLTF, 3DXML, STL, VRML - 2D import – drawings, office, pictures:
Catia CatDrawing, NX 2D, Creo DRW, Solidworks slddrw, DWG, DXF, HPGL, 2D PDF, TIFF, JPEG - 3D export:
STEP, JT, 3D PDF, 3MF, Parasolid, STL,VRML - 2D export:
- 3D import – native & neutral CAD:
Offers more than 180 functions
Offers more than 180 functions
Standard viewing capabilities include measuring & dimensioning, cutting and comparing.
Achieve model based definition (MBD) as you replace 2D drawings with 3D models. When you use the 3D Master conceptual design, you also get product manufacturing information (PMI) support. Besides viewing existing PMIs, create your own markups and views, transform them into PMIs, and save them as JT or STEP AP242 files.Performs advanced digital mock up (DMU)
Performs advanced digital mock up (DMU)
We’re no longer building physical prototypes before manufacturing products. To develop products faster and reduce costs, the digital mock up (DMU) process maps as much information as possible in a digital product at the earliest stages and carries out virtual simulations. Very early on, collision checks identify potential problems in production, assembly or ongoing operations.
Since this process is both creative and iterative, DMU becomes more about the advanced functions, complex calculations and sophisticated graphical output or renderings. You’re not loading and measuring two JTs, but rather subjecting a Catia and possibly an NX module to a collision investigation in one scene.
Protects intellectual property
Protects intellectual property
Today Digital Rights Management (DRM) isn’t enough to protect your intellectual property, especially CAD geometries. We offer a different way to protect your IP.
Our CAD visualization software gives you the ability to automatically distort BREP and tessellated data. You set parameters to determine the scale of alienation. The CAD visualization will still look nice but all dimensions will be changed to protect what your vendor / supply chain partner doesn’t need to know.
In other situations, you may choose to remove invisible objects or to apply a convex hull algorithm.