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How sustainable are your vendors and solutions providers?

June 7, 2021

Fascination with and love for nature have largely inspired our work in environmental stewardship. Furthermore, the desire to share these experiences and natural resources with future generations influences practices and policies that result in environmental sustainability.

Sustainability balances the needs of the present with the ability to adjust and maintain operations in the future. From both an environmental and business perspective, KISTERS understands its service delivery responsibility to its clients and in turn, to their customers.

Since its founding in 1963, KISTERS has had opportunities to partner with organizations to monitor the environmental and mitigate negative impacts. And since it began developing water information systems more than 30 years ago, the company has been helping clients to identify strategic data processes — to establish data workflows that are cost-effective, long-lasting, and more flexible than regulatory mandates.

Beyond history or the status quo of tradition, KISTERS upholds its initiatives to information security as well as innovation. The firm has earned multiple ISO certifications. Multi-year commitments to research and development and testing of new products and services are complemented by partnerships with distinct propositions for information and capacity building valued by our existing and potential clients.

When you consider the longevity of your work and your agency’s mission, how have you taken into account the sustainability of your suppliers or vendors? Are they in it for the long haul with you? How is their credibility an asset to the trust your community has placed in your organization?